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How to Make Money With Google Adsense - Adsense tips

Ways of AdSense Earnings I follow:

Method 1: Adsense for Content

For AdSense for content product, Google shows you related ads for your website or blog base on your site content or audience. Normally the more page impressions you have the more clicks you get.

For example:
Page impression: 1,365
Clicks: 32
Estimated Earnings: $3.98

So you see you will get near (average) $4 for 1000 impressions or page views not bad!!!! Do not forget there are other factors involve including Page CTR, Page eCPM, targeting high paying or high bid rate keywords etc. Your earning may be different from the above chart.
I just provide a rough idea nothing else!!!!

Method 2: AdSense for Search

This works like when somebody search (search box provided by Google) within your website then if someone click the advertising links then your revenue or earning generates.  

For example:
Queries: 16
Clicks: 12
Estimated Earnings: $2.85

So you see you will get approximate 3 dollars for 16 query and 12 click. Again these are a rough but not exact earning. Earnings may vary depend upon CTR, eCPM etc.

I am still working on the above two methods. But there are other ways also for you to make money with Adsense.

Ways of Adsense Earnings: Other Alternative Methods

AdSense for Feeds
Adsense for Domains

Inside Of Google Adsense:

In AdSense setup tab, you will also find the following useful tabs:

AdSense Setup Tabs:

Manage Ads:

In this tab you can manage, edit or create new ads.

Get Ads:

From this section you will get your ads code and then paste your code to your website or blog.

Color Palettes:

You can also make some color adjustment for your ads look and feel try it!!!

Suppose you have a website with ten pages, how can you track your ads for each page? By creating individual channel, you can track or monitor your ads performance on individual pages. I usually make channels for every page I create. I highly recommend you to do this. You can also add more sites or blogs using channels.

Competitive Ad Filter:

You can block your ads URL or website address by using competitive filter. This one is helpful especially for unwanted ads you do not want to see since it may decrease your ad sense income. Just put websites or free blog address you do not want and click save changes. Very Useful really …Try this…and increase your ad sense earning.

Ad Review Center:

You can categorize your ads to appear on your blog. Suppose you have a blog on make money and you do not want ads like dating, weight loss etc. then using ad review tool, you will do that…

Allowed Sites:

This is nothing but only which sites or blogs you want your ads to appear. You can specify this using this tool.

AdSense Reports Tab:

In this tab you will find all your adsense earning reports. There are so many options to choose....You can view your reports in daily basis by selecting your date, month or even you can select a range.

Now you know about the adsense interface it’s now time to work with that.

What You Have to Do for Making Money Using Google Adsense:

How to Choose Profitable Keywords for Adsense to Make Money:

For making money with adsense, first you have to consider three things for quick money.

1. Choose high paying keywords
2. Choose high search volume keywords
3. Last choose low competition keyword

What is High Paying Keywords?:

For adsense profits you will choose high paid or bid rate keywords or subject matter for your paid website or blog site. So what is high paying keywords? In general, High paying keywords means google will pay you more when somebody clicks your ads. Since other advertiser will pay more to google that’s why Google also provide you a more cash. But exactly what amount/percentage google will pay you, nobody knows except Google!!!!

How to Choose High Paying Keyword:

For this, go the following link:

Google Adwords Traffic Estimator

Type your interested keyword in the search box.

You will see Estimated Avg. CPC option. If your CPC rate is high but that keyword has also low competition and has high search volume per month then you can choose that keyword.
Once your keyword is ready, now is the time to build a website.

Creating A Website or Free Blog:

You can create a website either with pay or you can create a free blog. There are many free blogging sites available for you to do that…..

Like ,
But i personally suggest you since it’s free and support AdSense ad to make money.

For creating a free blog just go the and register and choose a domain name. It’s very simple and easy!!!!!

Choosing a Domain Name tips:

First think about what subject you are interested. Your interest is vital for you before you write. You have to be informative and as a result your visitor will attract for your website and they will visit your site. The more your content is informative and valuable, the more chance for getting visitors or traffics for your websites.

How To Build A Website for Making Google Adsense Money??

Whatever your keywords are first step to build website or site content. Your website or blog content should be organized and theme related. Build your content whatever you know related to your subject matter. You have to provide unique as well as valuable content for the visitors. Think about what benefits will get a user or visitor after coming to your website or blog. Is information important for the user to know???   If your answer is yes then you get visitor and as a result some visitors will click your ads too and your get google dollars.... simple is that. Is not it???

Update your content frequently so that an old visitor interest to come again your site and he may refer another person to go to your website.
In this way, you can get traffic to your site and make decent amount of money from google AdSense.

I personally suggest you make some pages with informative related content. Once you have 10 or 15 pages ready, now promote your websites to get visitors.

Promoting Your Website/Blog

There are Many Ways to Attract Visitors and Getting Clicks:

Insert a YouTube video related to your keywords.

Make a YouTube video so that you provide what you have learned so far to the visitor. The visitors may attract and share other with your video. This way you have a chance to increase page impression as well leaving a chance for the visitor to click your ads and you get money…..

Joining Social Network sites:

You can join popular social networking sites like to promote your website or blog. Suppose you go the, you can add friends related to keywords, join some related groups and tell what you know. The more active you in the social network sites, the more chance to visit your website and to get more clicks for your ads. In this way you make a chance for visitors to come to your site.

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